Value of Membership

All Virginia Farm Wineries are eligible to join the Virginia Wineries Association. Dues paying members of the VWA have access to industry experts in a variety of fields, discounts on event registration, and regular email alerts. Members only are eligible for the Group Health Insurance Program.

Fees are projected and not final.

 MemberNon Member
 Eligible for Group Health Insurance  Yes No
 Marketing Workshop fee   $45$125
 Regulation Round Ups fee per event (6+) $10$65
 Governor’s Cup Entry fees per wine     $90 $90 + $100 Admin Fee
 Governor’s Cup Celebration fees  $55$75
 Governor’s Cup Seminar Fees  $20$75
 Annual Membership Meeting Fee 2 days  $125$225
 Eligible to Vote Yes No
 Eligible for Preferred Partner discounts    Yes No
 Access to the Resource Guide Yes No
 Receive our Alerts    Yes No
 Receive our Industry updates Yes No


Prefer to pay by check Download Farm Winery Application